Why Should I Go To A Chiropractor Near Me?

After a car accident if I have neck pain, whiplash or pain in my back. legs, arms or the rest of my body, going to a chiropractor near me is a good way to alleviate some of the pain. Chiropractors are ideal for diagnosing a variety of spinal disorders that occur in a car accident.

These conditions include musculoskeletal pain, nerve pain, back pain, neck pain and more. A chiropractors job is to diagnose and treat these disorders. Just as other doctors treat physical issues, a chiropractor will treat disorders that involve the spine.

chiropractor near meChiropractors use X-Rays, CT scans, and other means to confirm and diagnose what is going on with the spine. They will then use these diagnostic tests to determine the proper course of action to treat the condition.

Approximately three of four persons visiting a chiropractor are visiting due to a back injury or back pain. Sprains happen when the ligaments which are the tough bands of tissue holding the bones in place, are torn or overstretched. As a person lifts or stretches, they sometimes injure these ligaments by pulling or stretching too far.

This results in a painful injury in that particular area. It can cause the tissues around it to swell and leave the person in excruciating pain that may be burning, stabbing, dull, sharp, throbbing or any other form of pain when those particular muscles are used. The chiropractor will manipulate the spine and adjust it so that there is less pressure on these muscles and ligaments. Less pressure results in less pain and the person is able to heal more quickly.

Long touted as an alternative means of care, chiropractors study just as a doctor or dentist does to learn the various parts of the body and the muscular system. They must be certified and pass exams just as a regular doctor or a dentist would do. The job requires many hours of classroom information as well as hands-on experience.

Headaches are frequently caused by neck pain. If you’re having neck pain, especially after a car accident, you may have suffered a whiplash injury. A chiropractor can help with this type of a headache. Cervicogenic headaches may be mistaken for cluster or migraines but they are actually caused by neck pain referring to those regions of the temples and often behind the eyes. A chiropractor can help with this pain by manipulating the neck so that the pressure is eased and the pain eliminated.

Coccydynia pain is a pain that starts in the tailbone region of the back. Many people get this type of pain after they’ve ridden a bike, a horse, or sat too long. Often the pain will begin with no known cause. The chiropractor will manipulate the spine focusing on that region and align the back so that the pressure is removed from the coccyx or the tailbone. This can, in turn, relieve a lot of the pain.

There are also other conditions that can be treated by a chiropractor including degenerative disc disease that is frequently associated with aging. The older a person becomes, the more the intervertebral discs can begin to degenerate or deteriorate. They may lose their flexibility or their elasticity due to aging and overuse.

There are other conditions such as a herniated disc. These typically happen in the lower back or the neck area. They cause excruciating pain in the back when they bulge or press on the nerves due to the swelling. The chiropractor can help relieve this pain by adjusting the back so that it’s not quite so painful.

Another condition that can be treated by a chiropractor near me is a myofascial pain. This happens when pressure on sensitive nerves or trigger points as they are often called, presses on the nerves and causes referred pain. Often this will feel like a knot in the muscle. It happens when you repeatedly use the muscles.

A narrow muscle that is located in the buttocks can often compress and become irritating to the sciatic nerve. This may be called sciatic pain and it may or may not cause a tingling sensation, a numbness or sharp pain down through the buttocks and into one or both of the legs. This is from the piriformis muscle.

Sciatica may happen if the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated. This can happen in a car accident or from misuse. It typically happens causing severe pain traveling below the knee in one leg. It can be sharp, shooting, or it may be similar to the sensation of an electrical shock.

Whiplash, or hyperflexion or hyperextension injuries happen when a car is rear-ended. The neck and the head whip forward and then back in a rapid motion. This can cause the body to hyperflex or hyperextend and may lead to a very painful condition. A chiropractor near me can help this as well.